Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pictures: Watipi or Rocky Mountain Elk; Park City, Utah

The Rocky Mountain Elk is spotted on a distant hillside.

Just being able to see it's antlers.

Slowly scooting in a little bit closer.

Can see a bit of the watipi's body now.

From about 15-20 ft. away, he's just on the other side of a hill from me.

A little too close for comfort, the watipi gets up and put a little distance inbetween us.

Nice broadside view. You really respect their size this close up.

That's the face my cat gets while it's purring...

Quick picture while I'm walking away.

Quick picture while I'm walking away.




The Rocky Mountain Elk is a magnificent animal. This bull is in it's prime and has a nice 5 by 6 pair of antlers. He should be loosing them soon and starting to grow a new pair for next year. Usually seen in herds this bull was flying solo, which is unusual. Possibly he was voted off the island, and is now wandering around by himself, or perhaps his herd was lying hidden somewhere nearby. In Native American this herbivore is called watipi.

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